Basic Korean Phrases I (with GIFs!)

안녕하세요 ahnyeonghaseyo
안녕히가세요 anyeonghee-ga-sey-yo
Goodbye (if they are leaving)
안녕히계세요 anyeonghee-gay-sey-yo
Goodbye (if you are leaving)
When saying hello or goodbye to a friend the same age or younger, you can simply say 안녕 anyeong, and you don't need to bow.
수고하셨습니다 su-go-has-seo-sumnida

감사합니다 gamsahamnida
Thank you
{__} 어디에요? eo-dee-ey-yo
Where is {__}?
저는 {__}입니다 cheonun {__}imnida
I'm {name}
알마예요? al-ma-yay-yo
How much?
네 ne
Yes (agreement)
아니요 aniyo
No (disagreement)
저는 한국말 못해요 cheonun hangookmal moht-hae-yo
I don't speak Korean
저는 한국말 못해요 cheonun hangookmal moht-hae-yo
I don't speak Korean
*I tried to keep it simple~ if there are any other phrases you would like to know, please comment and let me know*
<3강다은 Da Eun
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